Floating & Sinking Pop Can Experiment

Floating & Sinking Pop Can Experiment


  • Large Bucket or Container
  • Water
  • Unopened Pop Cans (use a variety of pop, some regular and some diet)


  1. Begin by filling a large container with water. The water should be deep enough so you can easily tell which cans are floating and sinking.
  2. Slowly place each can into the water one at a time. Make sure to tip the can on it’s side when you are placing it in the water so no air is trapped at the bottom of the can. If there is a bubble of air trapped at the bottom of the can, the results of the experiment will be impacted.
  3. Observe the cans as you place them in the water. Which ones floating? Which ones sink?
  4. After all the cans are in the water, try to figure out why some of the cans float and others sink.