Saturn is perhaps the most intriguing planet in our solar system. Named after a Roman god, its famous rings, low density, and outright beauty make it extremely popular. How many rings does Saturn have? What are they made of? In addition to plenty of fun facts about Saturn, these questions, along with many more, will be answered below.

View of Saturn from Space
50 Fun Facts about Saturn
Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun.
Saturn is approximately 886 million miles from the sun.
On average Saturn is about 792 million miles from Earth.
The average temperature is about -290 degrees Fahrenheit (-178 degrees Celsius).
Saturn is the 2nd largest planet in the solar system.
Nearly 9 Earths would be needed to span across Saturn’s diameter.
About 750 Earths would be needed to fit inside Saturn.
Saturn is known for its large and beautiful rings.
It’s widely regarded as the “Jewel of the Solar System.”
There are a total of 7 rings.
99.9% of the rings are made of pure ice.
In addition to ice, there are also bits of rock and dust.
The ‘bits’ of substance in the rings are larger than you may think. Some can be up to a kilometer across.
Saturn’s rings are only about 30 ft thick, they look so big because they are incredibly wide.
It’s still a mystery to how the rings formed. The leading theory is that a moon could have been torn apart, leaving lots of debris.
As the planet tilts, the rings change colors and can even be invisible.
Saturn is not the only planet with rings as Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune all do as well. However, it is the only one with rings that can be seen from Earth.
It is predicted that Saturn will eventually lose its rings. During a mission scientists noticed that the ring particles kept falling into Saturn’s upper atmosphere.
Saturn is known to have a lot of moons, almost like a mini solar system.
As of May 2023, Saturn has 124 moons.
Many more satellites are waiting for confirmation which could bring up the number even higher!
Saturn itself is not able to support life, but some of its moons have the possibility.
Saturn’s moon Enceladus is the most reflective object in the solar system.
Enceladus has geysers that shoot out water vapor, as well as ice and rock particles.
Hyperion was the first non-round moon discovered.
Pan, another one of Saturn’s moons, looks like ravioli.
Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, is the only moon in the solar system with an atmosphere.

Photo of Saturn’s Moon, Titan
Titan is larger than the planet Mercury.
Another one of Saturn’s moons, Mimas, has a large impact crater. It causes the moon to resemble the Death Star.
We are unable to stand on Saturn. It is made of gas and does not have firm ground.
Scientists are unsure if Saturn has a core or not, so it’s still a possibility.
Its atmosphere is mostly made of Hydrogen and Helium.
Saturn is so light that it can float on water.
1 day on Saturn is very quick, only about 10 hours and 14 minutes.
Unlike its day, a year on Saturn is very long. It takes almost 29 Earth years for Saturn to complete just 1.
The winds on Saturn are no joke. Its fastest winds can reach speeds up to 1,100 mph!
Only 4 probes have reached Saturn.
Voyager 1 and 2, as well as Pioneer 11 have traveled past Saturn.
A probe called the Cassini- Huygens orbited Saturn 294 times between 2004 and 2017.
Saturn was first observed by Galileo in 1610.
Saturn is able to be seen in the night sky with the naked eye.
Saturday was named after Saturn.
Due to its tilt, Saturn has seasons just like Earth.
After each season changes, the planet changes color.
Saturn’s magnetic field is about 578 times more powerful than Earth’s.
Saturn has a storm in the shape of a hexagon at its north pole.
The Great White Spot is a storm that appears on Saturn every 30 Earth years.
Saturn emits more energy than it receives from the sun due to its extremely hot core.
Saturn spins so fast that it is not a perfect sphere. The poles are almost perfectly flat!
Deep inside of Saturn, the pressure is so great scientists predict it could rain diamonds.

Up-Close Image of Saturn’s Rings
Frequently Asked Questions; Strengthen Your Knowledge on Saturn!
How many moons does Saturn have?
In total Saturn has 124 moons, with more awaiting confirmation that could increase the count. This is the most out of any planet in the solar system by a long shot and is made possible thanks to Saturn’s rings. There is so much debris and rock orbiting Saturn that new moons are being found almost every time they look!
How many rings does Saturn have?
It may look like Saturn has thousands of rings, but in reality it only has 7. These 7 rings are very wide and have huge divisions between them. We don’t see these divisions because Saturn is so far from Earth. Scientists are still looking for answers on how they formed, so they are still a bit of a mystery to us.
What are Saturn’s rings made of?
Saturn’s rings look like the remains of a destroyed planet. This means that they are made of rock, right? Wrong. Saturn’s rings are made up of 99.9% ice, with the remaining 0.1% being rock and dust particles. Surprisingly, the rings are not thick at all, the thickest sections only spanning 30 ft thick. They seem so big due to their vast width.
What color is Saturn?
Saturn is a gas giant planet so its color is affected by the gas concentration in its atmosphere. The most common color is yellowish-brown, however, as the planet tilts and changes seasons, the whole planet can change colors!
How big is Saturn?
Saturn is the second largest planet in the entire solar system and has a radius of 36,141 miles. That’s over 9 times Earth’s radius! Saturn is so large that it would take 750 Earths to fit inside it.
How did Saturn get its name?
Saturn, like all other planets, was named after a Roman or Greek god. The planet is named after the Roman god of wealth and agriculture. Another interesting fact is that the day Saturday is named after Saturn.
How far is Saturn from Earth?
On average, Saturn is 792 million miles from Earth. It fluctuates because they orbit the sun in different elliptical patterns. The closest Saturn can be from us is 746 million miles and the farthest it can be is 934 million miles.
What is Saturn made of?
Saturn is a gas giant so it is made of gas. This means that humans are unable to walk on it because it has no solid surface. The main gasses that make up Saturn are Hydrogen, 94%, and Helium. 6%. However, due to the pressure inside of its core, Scientists are unsure if Saturn has a core or if we could fly a probe straight through.
Is Saturn losing its rings?
Saturn is losing its rings. A recent mission where a space probe studied the rings proved that millions of particles from Saturn’s rings are crashing towards the planet. Scientists are unsure if this process will speed up or slow down, but if it occurs at this same rate, the rings could disappear in the future.
And our short trip to Saturn has come to an end. If you were on the watch for the beautiful rings, numerous moons, or unique characteristics of the planet, I hope you enjoyed your experience learning about our own Jewel in the Solar System, Saturn!
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