Venus, the 2nd planet in the Solar System, is one of the most interesting planets. Its thick atmosphere, scorching heat, and similarity to Earth make it really fascinating to study. Below are some fun facts about Venus and additional information to help you learn more about Venus.

Image of Venus from Space
40 Outstanding Fun Facts About Venus
Venus is the second planet from the Sun.
It is about 67 million miles (108 million kilometers) from the Sun.
Light takes 6 minutes to reach Venus from the Sun.
It is named after the Roman goddess Venus, the goddess of love and beauty.
Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system.
Life on Venus is impossible as we know it due to the extreme heat and high atmospheric pressure.
The average surface temperatures are 867 degrees Fahrenheit but it can reach up to 900 degrees Fahrenheit (475 degrees Celsius).
Venus is so hot due to its position with the Sun and its extremely dense atmosphere.
It has a thick layer of clouds that are composed mainly of sulfuric acid. This creates a greenhouse effect and traps heat.
The clouds around Venus can extend almost 38 miles (60 kilometers) in the air.
Its atmosphere is made mostly from carbon dioxide with a bit of nitrogen and other gasses.
Venus experiences hurricane-like winds in its upper atmosphere, with speeds reaching 200 miles per hour (322 kilometers per hour).
Venus experiences a phenomena similar to the northern lights. They are called Venusian Glows.
The atmospheric pressure on Venus is about 92 times greater than the pressure on Earth.
Venus is sometimes called Earth’s sister planet. This is because of their similar size, composition, and location.
Gravity on Venus is 91% of that on Earth. So if you weighed 100 pounds on Earth, you would weigh 91 pounds on Venus.
Venus has no moons or natural satellites.
1 year on Venus takes 224.7 Earth days to complete.
Venus rotates very slowly. One day on Venus is longer than its year, taking 243 Earth days to complete 1 rotation.
Venus experiences a phenomena known as “super-rotation,” where the atmosphere spins faster than the planet itself.
Venus spins in the opposite direction as Earth spins.
In the 70s and 80s, the Soviet Union was able to successfully land several spacecraft on Venus.
The first spacecraft to land on Venus was the Venera 7, of the Soviet Union, in 1970.
In 1975, Venera 9 & 10 were the first to transmit images of the surface of Venus using the lander.
The first colored photographs were captured by the Venera 13 in 1982.
Venus’ surface is mostly plains, with the occasional volcano and impact crater.
It has shield volcanoes, lava flows, and volcanic domes.
The largest volcano on Venus is Maat Mons, which is about 5 miles (8 kilometers) high.
Venus is very geologically active, with evidence of volcanic activity being recorded recently.
There are 6 mountain ranges on Venus.
It’s very difficult to see Venus’ surface though, the thick clouds make it difficult to see with telescopes.
Venus is the second brightest natural object in the night sky, after the moon.
It is sometimes called the morning star or evening star due to its brightness in the night sky.

Venus, seen from Earth
Venus has a very weak magnetic field compared to Earth.
Venus is used as a reference point for the measurement of objects through space. This is known as the Venus Transit Method.
Venus has a very minimal axis tilt, only about 3 degrees, so season change is minimal.
Venus is almost a perfect sphere.
Venus is the only planet to orbit the Sun in an almost perfect circle.
Unlike Earth, Venus has no known tectonic plate movement.
Venus is a popular target for future space missions, including manned ones.
Frequently Asked Questions; Quench your Curiosity!
What Color is Venus?
Venus is a yellow-white color. It is extremely dull looking and this is due to its surface being invisible. Its thick layer of clouds not only hide the surface, but also reflect almost 70% of all sunlight that reaches them.
How Many Moons Does Venus Have?
Venus does not have any moons or any satellites at all! This is because it is too close to the Sun and a moon too far away would be consumed by the Sun and a moon too close would crash into Venus.
How Hot is Venus?
Venus is the hottest planet in the entire solar system. Temperatures can reach up to 900 degrees Fahrenheit (475 degrees Celsius). This is because Venus has a super thick atmosphere and heat from the Sun is trapped, creating an unbearingly hot environment.
How Long is a Day on Venus?
A day on Venus is about 243 Earth days. This means that one day on Venus takes longer than a year! Venus is the slowest spinning of the planets in our solar system and the only one with a day longer than a year.
Why is Venus Hotter Than Mercury?
Venus, although it is farther from the Sun, is a lot hotter than Mercury because of one major reason. The atmosphere on Venus is so thick that a lot of heat is trapped between the clouds and the surface. This creates a massive greenhouse effect and is the reason temperatures are so much higher on Venus.
How Far is Earth From Venus?
Venus is about 38 million miles (61 million kilometers) from Earth at its nearest and 162 million miles (261 million kilometers) at its farthest. Although it is the closest planet to Earth when all the planets are aligned, Venus is normally farther from Earth than Mercury.
When was Venus Discovered?
Venus was first discovered in 1610 by Galileo.
What is Venus Made of?
Similar to Earth, planet Venus is very rocky with similar composition to Earth (iron core and rocky mantle). Its atmosphere, however, is made of 96% carbon dioxide and 3% nitrogen.
There you have it, space explorers! I hope your curiosity is cured and you have learned some new things about Venus! Scientists are continually looking for new and unique things about this planet so be sure to stay updated with the latest findings!
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